How to Fix a Wobbly Dresser

A wobbling dresser can be a safety hazard. Here are a few tips on how to fix it. Unstable dressers can cause injuries if they fall over, so it is necessary to fix them as soon as possible. Follow these simple steps to make your dresser more stable.
Step 1: Determine what is causing the wobble.
Before starting and work, determine why it is wobbling. The most common reasons are uneven flooring or loose screws. Also see if there are any cracked or broken parts that need to be replaced.
Step 2: Tighten any loose screws.
Use a screwdriver to tighten any loose screws. If needed, add more screws if any are missing for added stability.
Step 3: Use wood glue on any loose joints.
If any on your dresser are loose or cracked, use wood glue to hold them in place. This will add the necessary stability needed. Be careful not to use too much, because it can look messy and damage the dresser. Wipe away any excess glue.
Step 4: Check the bottom of the dresser.
Are there any broken or missing pieces? Replace or add wood to make the bottom even. If it has metal feet, they can usually be twisted to extend or shorten the length.
Step 5: Place it back where is goes and test the stability.
Carefully move it back and make sure it is level and stable. Test the drawers and make sure they open and close smoothly. If they don't slide smoothly, check out our drawer slide replacements.
By following these simple steps, you can fix a wobbly dresser and improve the safety and functionality of the piece. And please, take the time to fix it properly.